Gemini Full Moon ~ 2021

Gemini Full Moon ~ AEDT December 19th, 3:40pm

This Gemini Full Moon continues to emphasize the theme we have been in all year around the conflict of the New World and the dying domain being left behind, courtesy of the Saturn/Uranus square and now Venus in close conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn.

 The infrastructures in our relationships are undergoing big transformations. Pluto is the deep dive into the ‘underworld’ in order to let go of what is not longer serving and allow new fresh growth to emerge into the space that leaves. Venus in the play brings this process into all our relationships, whether it is the folk down at the local milkbar, or your nearests and dearests..everything is under the scalpel of a Pluto hawk-eye review.

This intensity is augmented by Dark Moon Lilith opposing Vesta in Gemini, which means you can’t use the wily side the Dark Feminine, to stalk the issues, instead it is better to make a sacrifice (asteroid Vesta) and trust that it is for the greater good.

Venus is then going retrograde on 20th December and will not go direct again until January 29th. This allows us to pause and deeply take stock of all our relationships. Some of them would have been compromised perhaps by the lockdowns and border closures of the pandemic we find ourselves in. Some of our everyday relationships will have undergone changes in the this massively changing environment where we are looking at our priorities and assessing our values. Venus will come into the conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn again right on the Pisces New Moon on the 3rd of March. This really is such an important opportunity to work on relationships and scrutinise where it is that we are holding onto old patterns.

 On a global level, Venus and Pluto are also about the world of the money markets, and several Astrologers whose work in this area I respect, have suggested that the financial markets events taking place now, will have their effects until around about March 2022.

 The other outstanding fact about the Full Moon chart is that the Sun is conjunct the Galactic Centre degree (27ºSagittarius). This brings very high frequencies into the mix.

This high frequency information is available for the next few days. I recommend opening up to the possibility of inviting them in to bring Light and transmutation to old patterning, programs and self-talk stories that are no longer serving you. This refinement is happening to all life forms on our planet, so you don’t need to ‘do’ anything really, it happens anyway.

Gemini allows us to look dispassionately at diverse options; we see both sides, and with cool and concise mercurial discernment can start making some decisions about which set of stories and dreams to continue to live by.