Supermoon, Pisces New Moon

20th February, 2023 6:06pm  

The Pisces New Moon is conjunct Saturn as it travels through the last few degrees of Aquarius, on its way into Pisces (March 8th).

And nearby the sweet and magical inspiration and refinement of Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces.

 We are really getting our senses ready for a Piscean sojourn as the Moon ushers the Sun into Pisces for the next month. Another important Piscean event is that Saturn will enter Pisces and it does not retrograde back into Aquarius, it will stay in Pisces until February 2026.

 The sign changes of Saturn are very significant. Saturn takes around 29 years to do the full circle of the zodiac around  the Sun, and makes a long-lasting impact in the sign it travels through, marking an era, creating a sign of the times.

 Saturn in Aquarius has been laying down the foundations and structures of the Aquarian new age, for example the ways are palpably clearing for a more humanitarian possibility, more and more people are aware of the massive inequalities and divides within our institutions and belief systems. Conflict-ridden practices which were taken for granted like racism, sexism, homophobia etc are being deeply questioned, examined and changed by law or are in the process of change.

 Saturn going into Pisces means we must start living our ideals, and walking our talk. Realizing long held dreams of heaven on Earth, Saturn will test what can and cannot be manifest.

(I recommend Pam Gregory’s video on YouTube about Saturn going into Pisces.)

 Towards the end of March, Pluto slowly moves into Aquarius, just for a few months, before it settles there for the next 21 years in January 2024.  This is another very important shift, which we’ve already started to experience on many levels, and I will write more about it in another article.

 This New Moon has a harmonious and magical feel to it. It supports the healing of relationships, especially if there are, or have been misunderstandings or misinterpretations. You will be able to express yourselves more directly and be heard more deeply than usual, I recommend riding this wave of clarification and inspiration within any of your relationships if it’s something you’ve been putting off because it felt too confusing; now is the time to put things on the table, rather than continue with hidden agenda’s or unspoken resentments, over the next few days.