Pisces New Moon

AEDT 4:37am, 3rd March, 2022

 This New Moon is truly ‘geared’ for us to visualize the world we want to come towards us now.

 We are already sensing into the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction (coming up on April 12th); this New Moon in Pisces is the forerunner for the magical, the vast open dreaming of Jupiter in its own sign, Pisces, (traditionally, until Neptune took over); this is because Jupiter is in a very close conjunction to the New Moon. 

 This conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune, will go on being a feature of 2022, and is a soothing and spiritual balm after the harsh and sometime abrasive square between Saturn and Uranus running through 2021. These planets open multi-dimensional consciousness, the gossamer veils between dimensions merge into boundlessness, as we all have the opportunity now to dream in the world of our ideals, expanding the vista of what is possible, or even what has seemed ‘beyond our wildest dreams’.

With Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces there are no limits, and the last thing to occupy one’s thoughts should be the skepticism of the factual, measurable world. So if you dream something up, don’t worry about how this could possibly happen, because that question will nullify the delicacy of the magic these two can bring, with their combined frequency.

 We can call on magic and expect miracles, but not if we allow ourselves to be constrained by the empirical reality we experience in our lives through our physical senses. The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction is a portal and our foray into unlimited possibilities. Our sensitivities to higher, more subtle energy patterns is heightened, as Gaia (and us as part of her) moves through an intense evolutionary process, for some time now. Some of the mundane symptoms of this are intense and longer-than-usual dreams; headaches, sleeplessness, dizziness, and loss of appetite as our bodies and psyches accommodate and adjust to the new frequencies. 

 Alongside of this is the heavy combative energy of Venus and Mars exactly conjunct Pluto at 27º Capricorn, squaring Eris (the troubled and warring feminine). We are seeing this being expressed by the invasion of Ukraine by the Russians, Vladimir Putin trying to grasp desperately at an age which is passing now, where the only way forward was to fight and make war on others, the toxic heavy-handed masculine, ruthlessly overriding the sovereignty of others. This is the antithesis of the influences I talked about in the previous paragraphs, the polar opposite making its presence felt.

 Mercury and Saturn are in close conjunction in Aquarius and making a square to Uranus in Taurus. The tension and conflict between the old world and the New Earth still with us, and affecting communications, technology and mindsets. 

 Collectively, we must envisage Peace, the power of collective visualization and intent can dilute this lethal and destructive war.