Aries Full Moon 2021

Aries Full Moon - 21st October AEDT 1:59 am

As October’s Full Moon occurs right before Samhain, the Gaelic mid-autumn festival that has evolved into Halloween today, Neo Pagans consider the month of the Blood Moon to be a special time denoting the change of seasons amongst other markers, which I won’t go into here as I want to focus on the planetary placements.

To begin with the Full Moon (Sun opposite Moon) is part of a Cardinal T-square highlighting the concentrated essence of the ongoing Pluto/ Eris square, which has been around on-and-off for around two-and-a-half years. I say it intensifies this Pluto/Eris relationship because of the presence of Mars, which is amplified by its conjunction to the Libran Sun. Eris is the warrior energy of the petulant rebellious Feminine, and when Mars joins in to this disruptive pair, things heat up.

The ongoing archetypal conflict between the feminine and the masculine, caused by obstructions, historic and innate, in Libra’s trajectory of peace-&-harmony are emerging from deeper and deeper places in the human psyche. Things you thought you’d faced up to decades ago, are coming up to be reviewed and need a deeper healing and forgiveness. This can really play havoc in our significant relationships, and it’s no coincidence that this comes under the Libran Sun.

The primary forces of the Goddess/Feminine are rising and need our care and attention. Especially since Eris is the feminine version of Mars, and both are warriors. Eris is more disruptive and breaks up old patterning around the roles we’ve carved for ourselves within relationships of the feminine and masculine. We all have feminine and masculine within us, so I’m not talking about gender wars particularly. It can manifest as the archetypal battle within our own psyche, and then projected onto our marriages, partnerships, workplaces and institutions.

This feels like part of the big shift happening in our thinking and the ways we communicate with one another. A Yod between Venus, Mercury and Uranus means that adjustments are happening as part of an awakening process. And with Chiron sextile Dark Moon Lillith ( DML, also trine Mercury means a great healing coming from the shadows is really possible.)

One way to ameliorate the pressure of the T-square and expedite the healing and integration process is supported by an Air Grand Trine between Saturn (now moving forward, so a more outward expression of its levelling influence), Dark Moon Lilith and Mercury – recording or communicating from DML, who represents the strong and powerful feminine.

This really is an excellent time to write about everything that is happening in this realm for you, or to talk it out with a counsellor or good friend you can trust. It is a very deep and necessary process so many of us are undergoing, and part of the massive collective healing that is happening around trauma at present.

Remember, Libra is about relating and balance, and in contrast, Aries is about self-development and self-motivation, so this Full Moon can help to bring the balance between ‘me’ and ‘others’.

Saturn wasn’t the only planet that went direct (to move forward out of its retrograde period) this month, both Mercury and Jupiter went direct in the last few days. This means that things are coming out into the world, and expanding consciousness, but not without the work (Saturn).

Enjoy the Aries Full Moon.

BTW: If you would like to see how these transiting planets affect your life in a personal and detailed way, book an Astrology reading with me. People tell me that they get such a great map to work with, and it helps them understand patterns and trends in their lives better, apart from the in-depth character analysis.

I’ve been a practicing Astrologer since 1975.